If you’re after that flawless blend through your eyeshadow, we have the trick to make it happen every time.

For anyone that’s studied makeup, you may have been taught to start with the lightest shade all over your lid, then use a transition colour and finally, your darkest colour. So, what’s the problem? We’re so glad you asked. If you think about this method, it means that every time you layer in a new, darker shade, you’ll be creating some kind of seem. This will take a lot of blending to diminish and often results in harsh lines and visible transitions from shade to shade anyways.

To completely negate this issue, we’re going to have to break some ‘rules’, of which we are firm believers should not exist in makeup anyways. Start with your very darkest colour first. Just hear us out, okay? We wouldn’t steer you wrong! If you start with your darkest colour shadow, blending it to have soft edges, and then add your transition colour, you won’t be adding any harsh lines because you’re going in with a lighter colour. Keep this same plan for your last, lightest colour too and you won’t have to spend half of your day blending.

When doing this, you can follow your usual placement of shades and colours, just try out the theory of dark to light rather than light to dark. It could very well be a game changer for you.

Happy glamming!

xx The Bliss Babes